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Price Targets Reached
Results for Last Trading Week
Updated Every Fri 4:30 EST
Target Reached Charts
Ave Targets Reached Last 4 Weeks
Ave Targets Reached Last 12 Weeks
Actual Results 7, 30 & 60 Days vs 5 Year Trend
1. Price Targets Reached & Expired charts represent all unique alerts sent by QuantDirection for the prior trading week. The charts display the percentage of alerts which hit their targets within the time period defined by the alert.
2. Ave Targets Reached Historical charts represent all unique alerts sent by QuantDirection for the prior four and twelve trading weeks. The charts display the average percentage of alerts which hit their targets within each of the Trade Periods defined by the alert over both the prior four and twelve week periods.
3. Actual Results 7, 30 & 60 Days vs 5 YR Results chart represents all unique alerts sent by QuantDirection for the past 7 days, 30 days & 60 days aggregated by symbol. The chart displays the percentage of target attainment relative to the probability forecast based on the 5 year average.
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